With increasing restrictions on areas that are accessible to search for nature, this year Maui (and many other CNC locations) are looking close to home. We will be focusing on the wildlife that you can find around (and in!!) your home. The Global CNC organizers (Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History and California Academy of Sciences) have put together a nice guide to finding (and attracting) nature to your home here (Note that this is a downloadable PDF): https://citynaturechallenge.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Exploring-Nature-in-and-around-your-home.pdf
Because we won’t be meeting in person for the event this year, we will have several virtual meetings over the course of the observation period (April 24-27) and the identification period (April 29-May 4). We will have an iNaturalist app orientation for both mobile and desktop users on Thursday, April 23 at 6:30 PM and at 1 PM on Friday, April 24. If you would like email notifications/reminders, please sign up for the event on our Meetup page here: https://www.meetup.com/Maui-Nui-Natural-History/events/268987838/ Otherwise, check our main CNC page (Here: https://www.mauinui.org/cnc2018/) 15 minutes before the event to find the Google Meet link you’ll need to join the virtual session.