While some of the cities participating in this year’s CNC started nearly a day ago (it’s that date line thing at work), the event here on Maui is finally live. If you’d like to join in, it is as easy as downloading the iNaturalist or Seek app and making an observation. Any observation made on Maui between now and Monday, April 27 at Midnight will be included in the CNC tally. If you’d like to get more background on the CNC, their main page is https://citynaturechallenge.org.
Thanks to the current pandemic and inability to have group events and, in many locations travel restrictions, the focus this year is about finding nature at home. There is a guide produced by the global CNC organizers about how to find nature around your house (you might be surprised what you can find!) The pdf guide can be downloaded here: Nature In and Around Your Home.
Reminder – Look for Wildlife!!
Even though we are exploring nature at home, we are still looking for wildlife, not planted or domesticated animals. If you (or your kids) do want to make these sorts of observations, make sure you mark them as captured/cultivated on your observation.
Privacy Settings (at Home)
Because many of us will be making observations at home, it is possible to set your observation geoprivacy setting to “Obscured” rather than the default “Open.” If you want to do this, you will need to do this for every observation. If you forget to do so, you can always go back and edit it to the setting you desire. Note that setting geoprivacy to “Private” will ONLY make that observation available to you. It will not be publicly visible AND will not be included in the CNC tally because you will be the only person that can see it exists.
Social Media Links
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mauinuinaturalhistory
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MauiNuiNatHist @MauiNuiNatHist
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mauinui_natural_history/ @Mauinui_Natural_History
iNaturalist Project Page: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/city-nature-challenge-2020-maui